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Order Summary

OmegaXL® 300ct

Includes Savings with Convenient Auto-Ship Program
Qty. 1


Subtotal $180.95
S+H $6.95
Estimated Tax -

OmegaXL - Order Form

Payment Method


Shipping Information

Billing Information

visa credit cards mastercard credit cards amex credit cards discover credit cards

By ordering today, you will receive ONE 300-count bottles of OmegaXL on the Save with Monthly Auto-Ship Program, at the promotional price of ONLY $180.95 plus $6.95 shipping and handling and any applicable sales tax!

After your first order, you will receive the suggested optimal supply of ONE 300-count bottles of OmegaXL every FOUR months, for a total of $180.95 plus $6.95 shipping and handling and any applicable sales tax. You agree that we may reserve and bill the credit card used today for this Save with Monthly Auto-Ship Program purchase and for each future shipment.

There is absolutely no obligation to remain in the Monthly Auto-Ship Savings Program and you may cancel at any time by contacting us online or by phone. OmegaXL is also backed by a 60-day Money Back Guarantee.

Order Summary

Subtotal $180.95
S+H $6.95
Estimated Tax -